SOS CRIANÇA - CONTRA A PEDOFILIA FRASE DA SEMANA Táticas Pedofílicas de Enganação Os pedófilos tendem a escolher crianças que mostram certo grau de vulnerabilidade. As crianças vulneráveis que correm mais riscos são aquelas que não se sentem amadas e desejadas ou são impopulares, solitárias, sem amigos ou perseguidas. Abner Morilha

sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2008

Pull me Closer - Por Abner Morilha

He has visited us in a gentle breeze, He has touched us with his kind hands,
He has embraced us as a loving father,
His tender eyes are always upon us,
His fire burns inside of us,
Now we are all captive of his love,
And totally dependent on his presence,
Pull me closer Lord, Pull me closer Lord, Cause I want to dance that song with you, And be taken by your Holly tide, And be involved by your lovely cloud, Love You Father! Por Pr. Abner Morilha

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